An early notification that the Profiles CCT plugin will be removed from CMS at the end of this year.
Profiles CCT Plugin will be removed from CMS on December 2 2022
On December 2 2022, the Profile Custom Content Type plugin will be removed from UBC CMS. This will mean any profiles published on your site will be unavailable. We have written about this on the CMS site with documentation for several different options you have. We are also running a series of half-day workshops specifically designed to help you recreate your profiles on this site in a supported way.
If you choose to take no action, then on December 2 2022 the public profiles you have on your site will be unavailable and you will be unable to access the data from the back end of WordPress. If you wish to maintain the profiles on your website, you will need to take action before December 2 2022.
We encourage you to read the documentation which also outlines our reason for making the decision to remove the plugin later this year and, if you haven’t yet migrated your site(s) to the new Block Editor, then we encourage you to attend one of our half-day workshops.