WordPress 6.7.1
WordPress 6.7.1 is a fast-follow release with a strict focus on bugs introduced in WordPress 6.7.
WordPress 6.6.2
WordPress 6.6.2 is a short-cycle maintenance release that features 15 bug fixes in Core and 11 bug fixes for the Block Editor, including fixes related to CSS Specificity producing unexpected changes with some themes.
WordPress 6.5.5 Security Update
The version of WordPress for UBC CMS has been updated to version 6.5.5, a maintenance and security release.
WordPress 6.5.3
UBC CMS has been updated to run WordPress version 6.5.3.
Automatic application of Google reCAPTCHA keys on CMS sites with gravity forms
All sites that use gravity forms on CMS will now automatically have google reCAPTCHA keys installed. We still encourage you to register and add your own.
CMS Updated to WordPress 6.5.2
A maintenance and security release.
CMS Updated to WordPress 6.4.3
A maintenance and security release.
CMS Updated to WordPress 6.4.2
Version 6.4.2 is a maintenance and security release.
CMS Updated to WordPress 6.4.1
6.4.1 fixes several bugs in 6.4.0 that caused several issues for large sites such as CMS
Protecting your Web Forms (and your inbox!) from Spam
Use the free google reCAPTCHA v3 to help protect your site and your inbox from web form spam.