Stylized title and subtitle with a button

A subtitle above a large title, with a UBC Blue button

You can view a live preview or take a look at the code required for this pattern. When viewing the code, you can copy it so that you can then paste it into your own site. Below the preview/code, you’ll see instructions on how to use block patterns on CMS.

Live Preview

A message from the dean

The faculty has performed at an exceptional level this year. Everyone should be proud.

<!-- wp:group {"align":"wide","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"100px","bottom":"100px"}},"border":{"radius":"10px"},"color":{"background":"#f7f7f7"}},"layout":{"type":"constrained","contentSize":"650px","wideSize":"100%"}} -->
<div class="wp-block-group alignwide has-background" style="border-radius:10px;background-color:#f7f7f7;padding-top:100px;padding-bottom:100px">
    <!-- wp:columns {"isStackedOnMobile":false} -->
    <div class="wp-block-columns is-not-stacked-on-mobile"><!-- wp:column {"width":"","layout":{"type":"default"}} -->
        <div class="wp-block-column">
            <!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center","style":{"typography":{"textTransform":"uppercase","letterSpacing":"1px"}},"textColor":"ubc-secondary-blue","className":"wp-block-heading","fontSize":"small"} -->
            <p class="has-text-align-center wp-block-heading has-ubc-secondary-blue-color has-text-color has-small-font-size" style="letter-spacing:1px;text-transform:uppercase">A message from the dean</p>
            <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

            <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"center","style":{"spacing":{"margin":{"top":"10px","bottom":"0","left":"0","right":"0px"}}},"textColor":"black","className":"wp-block-heading","fontSize":"x-large"} -->
            <h2 class="has-text-align-center wp-block-heading has-black-color has-text-color has-x-large-font-size" style="margin-top:10px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0;margin-left:0"><strong>The faculty has </strong>performed at an <em>exceptional</em> level this year. Everyone should be proud.</h2>
            <!-- /wp:heading -->

            <!-- wp:buttons {"layout":{"type":"flex","justifyContent":"center","orientation":"horizontal"},"style":{"spacing":{"margin":{"top":"55px","bottom":"0"}}}} -->
            <div class="wp-block-buttons" style="margin-top:55px;margin-bottom:0">
                <!-- wp:button {"backgroundColor":"ubc-secondary-blue","style":{"border":{"radius":"5px","width":"2px"},"spacing":{"padding":{"left":"30px","right":"30px","top":"20px","bottom":"20px"}},"typography":{"textTransform":"uppercase","letterSpacing":"1px"}},"className":"is-style-fill","fontSize":"small"} -->
                <div class="wp-block-button has-custom-font-size is-style-fill has-small-font-size"
                    <a class="wp-block-button__link has-ubc-secondary-blue-background-color has-background wp-element-button" href="#" style="border-width:2px;border-radius:5px;padding-top:20px;padding-right:30px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:30px" rel="">annual review</a>
                <!-- /wp:button -->
            <!-- /wp:buttons -->
        <!-- /wp:column -->
    <!-- /wp:columns -->
<!-- /wp:group -->


There are no prerequisites to use this block pattern. You can copy and paste this code into your site and it should work immediately.

Switch between the live preview and the code view to see what this might look like on your site and how to get it there

Available on every CMS website

How do I use block patterns on my site on CMS?

Block Patterns in WordPress are HTML with CSS (provided by special HTML comments). That means you’re able to simply copy a block (or selection of blocks) from one place, and paste them somewhere else, and they should look identical. In order to get the above block pattern on your site, try the following:

  1. Click the ‘Code’ tab above
  2. Click the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ icon in the top right of the code that is shown
  3. On your own site, add a new paragraph block to a post or a page
  4. Paste (ctrl+v on Windows, cmd+v on macOS) what you have on your clipboard
  5. Done!

alternative options

Here are some block patterns similar to this one